Mandatory security measures for video conferencing platforms
Security Measures for VC
Dear Parents/Guardians,
MOE had earlier suspended the use of all video conferencing (VC) platforms following the recent security breaches on the VC platform Zoom, until the security issues are ironed out.
MOE will now centrally manage teachers’ Zoom accounts. This enables MOE to enforce standardised security settings consistently across all teachers using the platform. These default settings will enhance security and restrict the use of Zoom’s functionalities, while allowing Live Lessons to still take place. For example, the use of passwords will now be mandatory for all lessons, while screen sharing, screen annotation and whiteboarding will be disabled and locked centrally.
In addition, teachers are now required to comply with protocols and practices to ensure the safe use of VC platforms such as verifying the identity of individual students before admitting them into the lesson. Teachers must confirm their compliance with these measures before they are allowed to resume using them for teaching,
We will allow for progressive resumption of VC platforms as these are good tools for motivating students to learn. As long as individual teachers have put these additional measures in place and familiarised themselves with the security protocols as required, they can resume the use of VC platforms for HBL.
These multiple levels of security are intended to ensure a safe teaching and learning environment for our students and teachers.
For more information from MOE webpage, click here.